Tuesday, July 27, 2010


*Day 236*

The other day I left Logan with Matt because I had to go to work early. We made arrangements where and when we could meet so Logan could come over and play for a little while. It was library day. I was going to walk all the kids over to the library. Matt was going to walk Logan over, and then Logan could come play with us, and Matt could go home. When it was time for us to go to the library, there were some kids that still hadn't arrived at Lynn's house. So, we had to wait for them to come before we left. I figured that I had better call Matt and tell him that we weren't going to be able to leave yet, so they would know we were running behind. So, I dialed my number. It rang a couple of times. Then it stopped, but no one said anything. I waited a bit. Then I finally said, "Hello?". And Logan said, "Hi". At that point in time I realized that this was the first time in his life that Logan had ever answered the phone. Apparently, I didn't teach him how it is supposed to be done. So, we first had a little talk about what to do when you answer the phone. Like, he's supposed to say something if he picks up the phone. Then I gave him a message for his dad and told him how to hang up the phone. He's talked on the phone before. He always checks the caller ID for me and yells it out. ("It's just total free.") But, I had forgotten that he's never used to phone by himself. We might have to practice, so don't be surprised if you get a call from someone who doesn't say hello and then talks too quite to hear. Oh, yeah, he also nods his head a lot, so listen carefully for that. We'll work on it.


  1. How cute! I guess we all take it for granted that everyone knows how to answer the phone, and yet we forget that at one point we had to be taught! Great real life story!

  2. Loved this post... Logan is such a sweet boy!!

  3. This summarized the experiences we have had with each of our kids as they have gotten to that age of wanting to pick up the phone. Well written. Very cute and made me reminisce (as well as look forward to the experience again with our 3 youngest kids).
