Monday, July 26, 2010

Apollo Burger

*Day 235*

The material contained in this my be found offensive by some. If you have a weak stomach, you may want to bypass this blog. Proceed with caution!

When my brother told us about a local restaurant that make some Greek food, Matt was immediately interested. So, we made plans to go. We went to Apollo Burger. It was delicious, so every now and then, we went back.

One day me and Matt and Logan went there with my brother Eric. We had our food and were sitting down to eat. Me and Matt were facing the counter where we ordered. Eric and Logan were facing us. We were just enjoying our meal, when all of the sudden this guy who had just ordered his food caught my eye. I had to look at Matt to see if he was seeing the same thing as me. And I could tell he was. This guy was standing there scratching his butt. OK, not just normally. He had his hand down his pants and everything. I about died. But, then it got worse. He finished. And he took his hand out..... and sniffed it! I don't remember if we said something, or if Eric just saw the looks on our faces. I just remember Eric saying, "He smelled it, huh?" I couldn't believe what I had just seen. Right there in a public place. Then they brought him his food, and he took it and sat down. Gross.

I loved the way Sherry laughed when I told her this. And then she used to pen to sign her receipt. She thought of that guy and had to pull out her hand sanitizer.


  1. WOW, where is a camera when you need one, right? You could start your own website...
