Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Confessional: Dough Eater

*Day 151*

OK, here it is. I'm a dough eater. And I've passed this on to my son. He likes to help me bake so he can snitch the dough with me. When I was a kid, my sister always made cookies. She would not let us eat the dough. If we tried to sneak some, she would hit our hands with a wooden spoon and/or chase us out of the kitchen. Maybe that's why it appeals to me now. No one to stop me! Ha!

I know there are raw eggs in it. I don't care. I've never gotten sick. (From that, from eating too much, maybe.) My nutrition professor in college told us that in order to have a risk of getting salmonella from raw eggs you would have to eat a dozen or more of them. So, I stopped worrying about that myth. I have had days were we make cookie dough and never cook any it. Logan has requested cookie dough for a dessert, and gotten really bent out of shape when I turned the oven on. "I said cookie dough, mom." But, we don't just eat cookie dough. We eat any dough. (Although not as much of it as cookie dough.) Logan loves bread dough. My next favorite is the dough for tortillas. So, there you have it, I'm a dough eater.

I put the dough on the cookie sheet, and this is how it got eaten. (Not cooked.)


  1. I have a friend that boils her eggs for 15 seconds before she makes cookie dough because she read somewhere that it would get rid of any bacteria or whatever would cause salmonella... she said it rids her of the guilt of eating raw eggs.. but I'm with you- whenever I make cookies, I always save a bowl of rolled cookies- uncooked, in the fridge for Daniel! :-)

  2. I have never gotten sick either. I must admit I have sneaked my share of dough. I love the bread dough, too.

  3. Kristy made me a fan of cookie dough. She also introduced me an awesome Dorito's treat which she should share later.
