Thursday, May 6, 2010

MMMM..... Doughnuts

*Day 155*
So, it's come to this. We had doughnuts for dinner tonight. That's how good of a mom I am. I'm taking great care of my family. Usually I try hard to be good and cook healthy meals and such. But, that's just the kind of week I've had. And I didn't want to cook. And doughnuts sounded good. No one complained. Although Matt kept asking if I was serious. I did make everyone eat fruit before they had a doughnut and I promised all vegetables tomorrow to counteract tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Kristy!! I knew we were kindred spirits!! We (me and the kids) had banana cream pie yesterday for breakfast... I think it's awesome to have doughnuts for dinner!! I love you!! You made me smile really big just now!
