Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Uncle Darrell

*Day 118*
Uncle Darrell isn't really my uncle. He's my sister, Lynn's, husband. When Logan went to Lynn's daycare when he was little, he would call Darrell Uncle Darrell. Then, all of the other kids started calling him uncle Darrell too. So, he's just been uncle Darrell to a lot of kids. He's fine with that. When he was little if someone asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, he would say "an uncle". He's a great uncle, to all of the kids. He will play with them and swing them around and do do tricks for them. He's very patient with the kids. They love him.

Darrell is a pretty quiet guy. So, when Darrell talks, you listen. It's either a very funny story. An interesting science fact. (He would be a great science teacher. I think he would be a lot like Bill Nye the Science Guy.) Or some good advice. Because he's had a lot of experiences. And he's learned things from them. (See day 101:Goblin Valley. Refer to truck struck in river.) Or just great insight. He's a great guy.

Here's a picture of uncle Darrell letting Logan hang with the guys while we were camping


  1. Dax was funny at Lynn's house today. He looked at me rather sheepishly and asked me if I thought Darryl would mind if he hugged him. I told him that I didn't think he would mind, so he went over and gave him a squeeze and then wished him a happy birthday. It was cute.

  2. Darrell should blog. I can think of at least 20 stories.
