Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Jill!

*Day 97*

I met my niece, Jill, when she was 4 years old. At the time, it just seemed like she would be a cute little 4 year old forever. Then she started Kindergarten. Then she went to middle school. Then I couldn't believe she was old enough to start high school. She turned 18 today.

I've always loved Jill. She was a sweet little girl. She's easy going and easy to get along with. It's been fun to watch her grow up and see her develop her talents and watch her interests change. Especially that we watch the same TV shows now, and love them.

I remember shortly after I met Jill. I was at their house. She was playing Mario on the Nintendo. She wanted me to come play with her. So, of course I did. (Remember, I'm a favorite aunt.) I never had a Nintendo, and I'm not great at video games. But, she was 4, so who cares, right? Well, I watched for like an hour while Jill her turn. She finally died, so it was my turn. Well, I think I ran my guy right off the first cliff. (I told you, video games are not one of my talents. I have the same problem when Logan asks me to play with him.) So, Jill took her next turn, another hour or so. (I might be exaggerating time a bit.) When my turn came again, Jill turned to me, took my controller and said, "Here, let me do it." So, I let her because I knew she would do better than me. That's the last time Jill ever asked me to play video games with her. That's what uncle Matt is for.

I hope Jill doesn't forget about us as she becomes an adult and starts doing all her "big people" stuff.

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