Friday, April 9, 2010

The Real Spring Break

*Day 128*

Logan started last weekend counting how many days he was going to be off of school for spring break. Then one morning he asked me what day it was. He informed me that it was hard to tell what day it was without prep. (They have a different prep class every day at school. They go to computers, music, library, PE, or walking. During this time, their classroom teacher gets prep time.) So, I told him that we could do prep here. I mean, I need something to entertain him anyway. Two birds with one stone right?

It was Wednesday which meant it was PE day. He decided that he wanted to play basketball for PE. He wanted to go to the school, but I wasn't feeling great so we played in the driveway. The hoop there is only about 8 feet high, which is perfect for him. Regulation height is to high for him to throw it that far. At this height he can still shoot right, but make it in. He actually has a pretty good shot for as little as we've played. And he shoots with one hand. That's something that most of my middle school kids couldn't (or wouldn't) do. And, he let me give him some pointers, he listened, and tried them. Better than last time we played, when he got upset the first time he missed and wouldn't try again because he's "not good". But, my favorite part was when we came out. He looked at me and said, "Mom, maybe we should just shoot free throws." (He knows no one blocks you on a free throw.) I said, "OK". He finishes, "Because, you would probably beat me. You can probably dunk, right?" (It's OK to laugh, I'm laughing again writing this.) No, even on an 8 foot high hoop, I can't dunk. It's nice to know that someone thinks you're that good. (Hahahahaha!)

Thursday is library day, but since we went to the library on Tuesday, we swithced and did computers on Thursday. We got on print shop and Logan made an Easter card for his Grandma and Grandpa Breinholt. He loves the computer. I think he knows more about it then me. I love when he tells us about what he does in computers at school. I just think it's funny to hear him say, "You just google...."

Friday is walking day. Still not feeling very good, but I really wanted to go for a good exploring walk with Logan during spring break. We didn't go for a walk today. I taught Logan to ride his bike yesterday, so we went for a bike ride. It was still fun. Stay tuned for more on Logan learning to ride a two wheeler.

So tomorrow is Saturday, I guess that means we just get to clean the house. About time. I should have spent more of my time off doing the big jobs I never do. Oh, well, sometimes you need a real break.


  1. It sounds to me like you spent your spring break just right; enjoying your time together.

  2. I absolutely loved this post. You are such an awesome mom!! I love that you did prep with Logan on Spring Break! I hope you're feeling better!!
