Monday, April 19, 2010

The Jazz

*Day 138*

We support the Utah Jazz here. In honor of them making it into the payoffs, here is a Jazz post.

Logan says he hates to watch the Jazz. (Even though he's never really watched them. I think he's on a mission to hate watching anything I like.) But, he loves their website. Logan likes to know what I'm doing on the Internet. He will read over my shoulder while I am blogging (like he's doing right now). He will tell me if I made a spelling mistake or if something doesn't make sense. "Mom, is that a real word?" "Did you mean to say that." "That doesn't make sense." When I get on the Jazz site, he loves to look at the pictures. He will want to spend forever clicking on different pictures of players and watching video. I was checking the score the other day, and Logan came in. They had some new pictures up. If you clicked on them, they would open up in a new window. Then you could zoom in on an area of the picture. Logan spent a while looking at all of the pictures and zooming in to get a closer look at different parts of the pictures. Then he informed me that this guy had dirty armpits. I told him that it was hair not dirt. Then he opened all the pictures again and zoomed in on their armpits to see who had the hairiest armpits.
(Makes me glad I'm not famous enough to have my picture on the internet. I don't want to know what people would be zooming in on.)
What do you think? (And, do you know who it is?)



And the winner is (according to Logan).......

Wes Matthews



  1. Love this post! Logan cracks me up...and GO JAZZ!

  2. So funny!! Ew!! Armpit hair!!! :P

  3. This is definitely one of your grosser posts!
