Wednesday, August 4, 2010


*Day 244*

I don't hate to cook. Sometimes I hate to think of things to cook. But, I don't really hate to cook. I like to eat. And if I cook, I get to eat.

When I was growing up, I didn't try a lot of different foods. I just wasn't really exposed to a huge variety. So, it made me nervous to try new things. I just wasn't sure I would like them. And, like I said, I like to eat. So, I want food that tastes good to me. With this background, being in Matt's family was a little scary for me. I remember the first Easter that his dad said we were going to have a Greek Easter. I was really nervous for Easter dinner. I wasn't sure if I would like any of the food. It would all be new to me. But, you know what? I liked it! As I got older and out on my own, I started trying new things. I realized that I liked most things I tried. (Sorry, still not a fan of Greek olives, or onions.) So, I got more adventurous (for me). I started not being so scared to try new things. Then, I started trying to add more variety to what we ate at home. So, I started trying new recipes. And I continued to learn that I like most food I try. Except one.

I found a recipe for some Asian noodles. Logan loves the "Chinese noodles", so I thought I would try this recipe. It sounded good. It is the only thing I can think of that I've made that I threw out because it was terrible. It had spaghetti noodles, that were cold. Then the sauce had peanut butter, soy sauce and I think Tabasco sauce with some other stuff. As I was mixing it up, I smelled it. I started to wonder about it, but I kept on. I was going to give it fair chance. By the time I put it on the table, I was really skeptical, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to sway Logan and Matt. I don't think Matt even swallowed his bite. I took one bite. I could tell everyone was thinking the same thing as me. Logan looked relieved when I told them that they didn't have to eat it. It was awful. We dumped it out and started dinner over again. Last week I was looking through a cookbook. I saw a recipe that looked good. I read the ingredients. It called for peanut butter and soy sauce. I passed it right up. I don't think I'm ready to try that combination again.

1 comment:

  1. You and I are a lot alike... there are many things that I LOVE now that I didn't try until I married Daniel... and I absolutely detest coming up with stuff to cook. Which is why I have seven or eight things I cook over and over and over... :P
