Friday, August 27, 2010


*Day 267*

This is what Logan does with his socks.  Me and Matt throw them.
We were just putting Logan to bed.  When I walked into his room Matt threw one Logan's rolled up socks at me.  (Amazingly, it landed right on my shoulder, and stayed there!  He's got mad skills!)  So, I took Logan's other sock off and threw it at Matt.  Then as we were kneeling down for prayers, Logan grabs them both and moves them to the corner of his room.  And he says, "Teenagers....."  Ahhhh, my son.  At that point Matt told Logan that he was closer to being  teenager than we were.  Then it went from a funny moment to a sad moment.  So, we said prayers and put Logan to bed. 

1 comment:

  1. This post just made me smile... I loved it. I love you guys!!
