Wednesday, August 25, 2010

School Dreams

*Day 265*

There a couple of dreams that I have over and over again.  Not the exact same dream, but what happens in them is basically the same.  I had one of them last night. 

Even though I haven't been teaching school for years, I still dream about it.  In my teaching dreams I am never prepared.  In my dream last night, it was the first day of school.  I had obviously not been in my classroom yet.  Nothing was prepared.  My room was a mess.  The kids came in and were doing the starter that was on the board.  But, it was there from the previous year.  I hadn't gotten to school in time write a new one up (or to erase the board from last year).  Then I had nothing prepared for my students.  I got up to teach and didn't even know what grade I was teaching.  I had no lecture prepared and no assignments ready.  So, I got up and got ready to b.s. it for the next 45 minutes.  The other part of my dream is the part that happens in most of my school dreams.  I couldn't get my class lists to pull up on powerschool.  So, I didn't know who was supposed to be in my classes, and couldn't do grades or anything.  I don't remember having huge problems with powerschool when I was teaching, but apparently it stressed me out that something could go wrong with it because it never works in my dreams. 

Hmmmmm..... maybe I better stop slacking off and get some work done so I'm ready for preschool to start.


  1. Sounds like you have some very specific concerns - it's funny how those things always end up in dreams! Hope you won't have such dreams tonight!

  2. My vote goes to ice cream!
