Saturday, October 23, 2010

Science Class

*Day 324*

Today I got to go to a science class.  They gave us a lot of cool ideas to help teach our children science principles and encourage them to wonder.  The best part was that we got to do the experiments and try everything out.  I didn't take my camera to class, so when I got home I let Logan try the stuff we did, and I took pictures of him. 

We learned how to hold bubbles.  Here's Logans'.  Also, I saw a square bubble.  I need to get some materials, but if I get it to work, I'll show ya.

This is snow that is growing in Logan's hands.  I know it would be better as a video, but you couldn't see it very good.  You'll have to trust me.  It grew and it looks like snow.

We made a solution then added the worm goo and out came worms.  We also made slime and glow sticks. 

Logan asked me if I was taking this stuff Lynn's.  I told him I didn't know.  He said I should leave it here so he can play with it.  He said it was fun.  Then he told me, "Usually I just play video games, but this is funner than playing video games." 


  1. Teach us! Teach us!

    That was just a tease! I want to know how to make all that cool stuff too :)

  2. Cool science stuff! It reminds me of stuff they used to do on that TV show "Mr. Wizard's World"!
