Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'll Take a "P", Vanna

*Day 321*

Right now I have four pony tails in my hair.  I am wearing purple plaid pajamas with a pocket which were a present, a pearl bracelet, my personal progress necklace with a pendant, pumpkin earrings, a flag pin, perfume, and pink and purple striped socks.  My last name is Platis, and I ate pink popcorn. 

Tonight at young womens we had a personal progress party.  We had a contest to see who could come with the most things that start with "P".  I didn't win.  But I had fun. 


  1. Loved this clever blog post!! It was Perfectly Precise and Pleasantly Purposeful!!

  2. So you'll take a 'P' eh?

