Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Jennifer!

*Day 309*

Happy Birthday Jennifer!

When you are meeting your boyfriends family it can be worrisome.  You worry whether or not they will like you, but you also worry about whether or not you are getting involved with a crazy family.  Especially if you're thinking about getting married.  Because then those people will become your in-laws.  I was scared to meet Matt's family.  But it turned out just great.  I couldn't ask for better in-laws. 

I remember the first time I met Jennifer.  Matt was performing in the play "Chess" out in Smithfield.  I wanted to go see him, but I didn't have a car.  Matt arranged with Jennifer to give me a ride.  I was totally scared.  Not really of Jennifer (I mean, I didn't know her), just the situation.  I was (OK, still am) shy, so I was way out of my comfort zone.  But Jennifer was really nice.  I'm sure she had to work really hard to keep a conversation going.  We got to the play early and were waiting in the car for a while.  So, she gave me the dirt on her brother.  (Well, she tired, then she told me that she didn't have much because he was really a good brother.)

I'm not so scared of Jennifer anymore.  I love her and the example she is to me.  I love that she is so strong.   She can (and will) do what ever she wants too.  She's her own person and doesn't worry about what other people think.  She is good at her job.  She was good at all the jobs she's had.  She works hard and gives her best.  She is very loving.  She is concerned about other people.  I admire that she is a social person.  It's something I'm not.  But watching her makes me wish I was little more.  And she is funny.  I wish I could do some of things Jennifer does, and envy her talents.  She is just great, and I'm glad that she was willing to accept me into her family and welcome me as a sister.

And, I'm sorry that I don't have a super cool rap, or even a poem.  But Matt wants me to exercise my abilities in the kitchen so you have something to enjoy for your birthday.  Or slightly after.  (Even though it won't be as impressive now that you can do it yourself.  :) )

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kristy, that is all so sweet. Speaking of sweet... treats are always much better when they are made in your kitchen! Can't wait...
