Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pet Peeve

*Day 78*

I didn't know what to blog about today. Then I was out driving with my sister and I had an idea. I have a pet peeve! No it's not about my sister (today).

I've spent a lot of time as a pedestrian. I have my pet peeves from a pedestrian standpoint too. But, today it's a driver's pet peeve. My pet peeve is pedestrians that either don't know what the traffic signs mean, or just ignore them. In particular, when I have a green arrow, the little man on the sign still says don't walk. Don't cross the street and waste my chance to get through the intersection on a green arrow. Watch the little red hand, and wait for your turn! That's it.

1 comment:

  1. I hate pedestrians that do that! Don't they know how valuable a green turn arrow is to us drivers.
