Saturday, February 20, 2010

Guess What? Chicken Butt!

*Day 80*

I wanted to register Logan for soccer today so, I planned on walking down to the rec center this morning to sign him up. He was busy watching cartoons so he didn't want to come until he found out I was walking. It looked like a beautiful day. Well, it was, but it was also freezing, as Logan kept reminding me for all 6 blocks to the rec enter. But, he kept going because I promised him he could look at the water after we were done. Thus, started our adventure. I learned something, every time I take Logan on a walk, I need to bring the camera. Logan doesn't like to go for walks, he likes to go exploring. So, we went exploring, but I don't have pictures. I'm going to have to take Logan back and take pictures so I can post them later.

But, I did get a funny story. So instead of pictures, you get a story. I was hurrying to get to the rec enter before registration ended. Logan decided at the last minute that he wanted to come. He hadn't eaten his breakfast because he was so busy with TV. So I put his bread into a baggie so he cold eat it on the way. We were about a block from home, when he called to me. Now, I was in a hurry, so I'm bugged that he keeps stopping. I turn around and he's saying something that I can't understand. He has a mouth full of bread, and he's a little panicky. I can't figure out what is up. Then, he's trying to give me his bag of bread. I'm asking him if he's finished, or if he wants more, and he's really not saying anything. I just don't get what he wants or what's going on, and I'd like him to keep moving. But, now he is starting to cry. Then I look up. There is a big chicken in the driveway right in front of us. And, it's walking toward the sidewalk. Then I get it. He is panicking. He is frantically trying to stuff his bread back into the bag and give it to me. He is afraid that the chicken is going to come after his bread! My son can be very sensitive. I was proud of myself, because I held my laugh in so I didn't hurt his feelings. When I finally realized his concern, I took his bread, then he went on the other side of me as we passed the chicken. The good news is that the chicken didn't attack us for our bread, and we lived to have a great adventure after we signed up for soccer.

I really didn't know he was so scared of chickens.


  1. LMAO... that is funny. I can just picture it in my head! And good for you for not laughing, my son would not have been so lucky.

  2. They call me the chicken whisperer .
