Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Birthday James!

*Day 36*

James was about 4 when Logan was born. He was the youngest grandchild at the time. So, Logan was a little bit younger than the rest of his cousins. The thing I love about James, is that that didn't matter. He's always loved playing with him. When Logan was little he helped to make sure Logan was taken care of, and would help him do things. In fact, my story about James involves him (trying) to help Logan. Like I said, James liked to help Logan. The problem came when Logan started getting bigger and didn't want so much help. I think Logan was about 4. They were running around playing. James kept trying to pick Logan up and do things for him like he used to do when he was small. Logan was getting irritated because he was trying to be independent. Finally he'd had enough. James came over to him and Logan just shoved him down. I'm sorry James, but it was kind of funny to watch. And, you didn't get hurt. Logan still loves to play with you. And I'm glad he has such a great cousin to be a good example to him. Love ya James!

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