Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

*Day 23*

Opening Christmas presents when it is light outside is not something I was used to growing up. But, Logan is a kid who needs his sleep. And now I don't mind that he didn't get up on Christmas morning until 9:00. Except that I had been awake since the normal time wondering when he was going to wake up. He finally got up and got dressed, then came in to see if he could go downstairs and see if Santa came. He took so long to come back up stairs, I started wondering if he had started opening presents without us. So, I started to get up. Then he came up to report that Santa had come, and he turned on the Christmas lights. Then he told me that he sorted all of the presents for us.

The great thing about Logan is that he is just happy to get something. He's not real picky about what he wants. He'll take anything, and he'll probably end up liking it. Sure there's some things that he would really like, but he's really easy going about it.

It's been a good day to spend with family. Having fun, playing, relaxing, eating way too much junk. And Logan lost another tooth today. He finally just pulled it out at breakfast so he could eat.

1 comment:

  1. I love that he sorted the presents. He is such a no nonsense kind of kid :)
