Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Celebration

*Day 358*

We went to Salt Lake yesterday for Thanksgiving dinner with my family.  Now it's been a couple of days since this "blizzard".  I figured they had plenty of time to clear the roads for holiday travelers and we would be fine driving down.  The roads were ice packed!  We were skidding and moving maybe 20 mph.  By the time we got to Wellsville, Matt was talking about turning around because he didn't want to drive all the way in those conditions, besides we wouldn't be there in time for dinner.  But, we went on and found Sardine Canyon in perfect condition.  Wha?  I guess they concentrated all their efforts on the canyon and didn't worry about city streets.  Oh, well, at least we made it the rest of the way at a decent speed.  And, we were on time for dinner.

Dinner was great and then we got to enjoy some basketball and football.  Good times.  Then it was time for what Matt has termed "Pie Fest".  OK, so maybe we get a little carried away with our pies sometimes.  You have to have the traditional, but then this is the oly time of year the I make/eat pie, so we have to try some new stuff.  Like eggnog pie, pumpkin spice cake, orange cream, cookies and cream, cherry chocolate, pumpkin cheesecake, peanut butter pie, and so on and so forth.  So, you kind of end up with a lot of pie.   I think it's OK when we eat "dinner" around lunch time and then have pie for dinner. 

Today we got to go Matt's dads and enjoy another delicious meal.  And some fun games.  Me and Matt rocked at pictionary!  Cornstartch!  Unfortunately, Matt is the only that can decipher my drawing, and because of a late night last night, my brain shut down half way through the girls vs. boys game, and I wasn't much help.  Sorry ladies.  I still had fun laughing at myself. 

I love this time of year.  We get to spend time with family, play games and eat food.  Bring on Christmas!

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