Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Confessional

*Day 346*

I hate blogging on Sundays.  I would prefer to just take it easy and not have to do anything on the computer on a Sunday.  So, when I finish this challenge that will be my first day to go. 

Also, this last month of blogging is dragging on forever.  I don't know if it's because I'm so close to the finish and I think it should be flying past faster, or if it's because other people have already finished their year of blogging so I feel like I should be done too.....  Anyway, it's getting frustrating typing those numbers everyday when they don't seem to get any higher.   (Andrea, have you checked to make sure I've counted right?)


  1. You're almost there! You're doing great, just keep blogging along! I'm jealous that you are so close to being finished!
