Thursday, September 2, 2010

Logan's Meals

*Day 273*

Today while I was making Logan's lunch, I had a thought.  I have never made lunch for him to take to school.  He has always eaten school lunch.  He likes school lunch.  But, this week he decided that he wanted to take "home lunch".  We got a case of pears to can.  He picked one out the day that we got them and has been impatiently waiting for it to ripen.  So, he wanted to eat his pear for lunch.  That's fine, I don't mind making a lunch for him.  I guess my lunch making skills have gotten rusty since I used to pack my lunch.  Logan came home and told me that he didn't eat his pear because I didn't skin it.  I've told him for the last 3 days that if he took his pear for lunch, he would have to eat it like an apple.  I thought he knew that meant the skin would still be on.  (Next time I'll be more specific.)  Then he told me that he didn't eat his bread because it was soggy.  (Then, later he thanked me for the delicious sandwich.  ?)  So he ate his ham and cheese, his carrots and his fruit snacks.  I felt bad because I thought he was probably hungry.  Yeah, because then he took his bag of carrots out of his lunchbox, and he still had a whole bunch, so I don't even know how many of those he ate.  He tried a pear, with the peel, after school, and he loved it.  He has one picked out for tomorrow.  I'm not sure if he really wants me to make him lunch again.  I don't remember it being so hard.

One of Logan's new jobs is that he is in charge of making dinner once a week.  Tonight he made his first dinner.  Macaroni and cheese, hot dogs and cooked carrots.  As he sat down to eat, he said, "I made dinner."  He sounded a little proud and a little surprised.  He did have a lot of help from mom.  But he had to decide what to make and did whatever I told him to.  He designed his into a person.  (And took a picture of it.)



  1. Logan is such a clever guy! I loved the "mac and cheese man" he built!

  2. I love Mac and Cheese. He can make that anytime!
