Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hey, Guess What

*Day 296*

Guess what?
Today we went for a family bike ride.  And Guess what?
We rode our bikes up the big hill.  And guess what?
I was almost at the top of the hill, and guess what?

Oh,.... what?
I had to stop, and guess what?
I walked my bike the rest the way up the hill, and guess what?
I rode the rest of the way, and guess what?
We rode to Maceys and my dad bought me a donut.

Yeah, this is how we get through Logan's day now.  It's a guessing game.  And make sure when he says "guess what", that you say "what", because he doesn't continue until you do. 

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny! I love how kids always want to play this "guessing game" with us adults!
